Using metal scrap, the enterprise produces armatures widely used in construction industry with Ø 12; 14; 16; 18; 20; 22; 25 diameter.
Introduction of modern techniques and equipment to improve production processes and product quality during its activity period was one of the main priorities of the enterprise.
The production process at the Metalworking Plant begins with the metal supplying area. The pieces of black metal are cut into certain sizes, and after weighing, sent to the steel shop. The pieces of black metal are examined, collected in boxes, and sent to the melting area. 7 induction melting furnaces exist at melting area. 3 of the furnaces are in working mode, and 3 are kept in repair.
After melting, the metal is filtered to the workstation and sent to the Continuous Steel Casting Device (CSCD) and steel billets with 120x120 mm width are produced according to AT 400C; AT 500C; ГC 35C brands. The produced steel billets are collected into the methodical heating furnace of the rolling shop. Heated up to 1250 C, steel billets are fed into the rolling mill, so based on the order armature is being manufactured.
The high-quality products of this plant which are produced according to GOST 34028-2016, are widely used in the construction industry.
- Armatures of high quality, meeting international standards, widely used in construction sector are produced in Metalworking Plant.
Manufactured armatures:
- Ø 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25
- AT 400C; AT 500C; GC 35C
Standard: GОСТ 34028-2016
Products manufactured at the Metalworking Plant are manufactured in accordance with GOST 34028-2016 and are tested at the laboratory equipped with modern equipments and tested for compliance with the standard.