Electric Equipment Plant
General information
The Electric Equipment Plant (EEP), being one of the largest and most-modern plants at the Sumgait Technologies Park, has been operating at full capacity since 2010.
The Electric Equipment Plant (EEP), being one of the largest and most-modern plants at the Sumgait Technologies Park, has been operating at full capacity since 2010. The company has introduced innovative technologies, and produces products that comply with European standards and modern requirements. The production process is performed by Germany and Finland-made machines and equipment managed by a programmed computer system.
The Ventilation-Pipe and Solar Collectors Production Unit operating under the Electric Equipment Plant manufactures ventilation pipes made of aluminium and galvanized steel of diameter 100-250 mm, accessories to them, as well SPS and SPL type solar collectors capable of heating 100-350 liters of water up to 40-95 degrees Celsius within an hour, depending on the weather conditions.
The plant also designs and has begun producing new modern payment terminals (for indoor and outdoor use). In Azerbaijan, this type of payment terminals are only manufactured by the Electric Equipment Plant at the Sumgait Technologcal Park.
The Electric Equipment Plant is also producing NEX 17.5, SM6-24 and SM 6-36 series modular-type slots under license of Schneider Electric. The products manufactured under this license are indispensable in Azerbaijan and the CIS countries.
The final testing of the finished products is performed in a USA-designed test laboratory. The products of the EEP fully meet international standards. Thus, based on the Schneider Electric Certificate standards, company fully meets the ISO 9001:2008, OHSAS 18001:2007 standards as well as the GOST standards required in Russia and the CIS countries.